2008-06-28 17:21:06 UTC
Lance Owens
Skinhead-news is making a startling comeback. Images and
commentaries have been so negative against raunchy-stereotypes
that critics are hoping that "Google" will pull the indexing, for the
third time. But, it's not likely. The search-engine giant began to index
"Skinhead-News Service", as part of its select "4,700 leading
news-sources," but culled the growing-attraction, after just a single
week. Shortly afterward, it re-posted the compilation, but, once
again, took it down, refusing any explanation. "Google" was not
enchanted with our "Pure Blood, Pure Heart, Pure Skin" approach.
Now, "Skinhead-News Service" is back, as part of an upgraded
news-search, but, surprise, surprise, there not only are no images
depicting defilement and degradation, but Skinheads are portrayed as
totally clean-cut and upright. It isn't easy being a Skinhead. We
have to fight, the whole time, for what we are. That means not only
against our foes, but against our so-called friends, who give us a
bad-image. I have lost family, because of them not "understanding"
why I am what I am or because they wrongly believed how we have
been falsely portrayed, as inked-up savages.
A lot of the reason why I am what I am has to do with the Skinhead
Website. It has opened my eyes, to a lot of stuff, such as standing
up and being proud of my blood, and the new news-listing on "Google,"
if it lasts, will open up many more eyes, finally. For example, the
whole "tattoo thing." Our opponents, as well as some who apparently
just don't know better, had tried to portray us as freaks. The Skinhead
Website takes a pro-active stance against such a menace. Now
that it has increased punch, it can impress how the pure way is the
right way and pure skin is proud skin.
Since I became a Skinhead, my fellow-Skins have never disappointed
me and have always been a family to me. Things are getting harder and
harder for Skinheads, every day, but the "breakthrough" on "Google,"
as well as victories in the courts and in the streets, are showing that
Skinheads are keeping up the struggle, are gaining ground and are
worthy of the support and trust of our countrymen. Being a Skinhead
comes at a price. That price is cleaning up ourselves, our tactics and
our image, so that we can move ahead in cleaning up our country
and purifying our cause.
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Copyright 2008 Skinheadz
Lance Owens
Skinhead-news is making a startling comeback. Images and
commentaries have been so negative against raunchy-stereotypes
that critics are hoping that "Google" will pull the indexing, for the
third time. But, it's not likely. The search-engine giant began to index
"Skinhead-News Service", as part of its select "4,700 leading
news-sources," but culled the growing-attraction, after just a single
week. Shortly afterward, it re-posted the compilation, but, once
again, took it down, refusing any explanation. "Google" was not
enchanted with our "Pure Blood, Pure Heart, Pure Skin" approach.
Now, "Skinhead-News Service" is back, as part of an upgraded
news-search, but, surprise, surprise, there not only are no images
depicting defilement and degradation, but Skinheads are portrayed as
totally clean-cut and upright. It isn't easy being a Skinhead. We
have to fight, the whole time, for what we are. That means not only
against our foes, but against our so-called friends, who give us a
bad-image. I have lost family, because of them not "understanding"
why I am what I am or because they wrongly believed how we have
been falsely portrayed, as inked-up savages.
A lot of the reason why I am what I am has to do with the Skinhead
Website. It has opened my eyes, to a lot of stuff, such as standing
up and being proud of my blood, and the new news-listing on "Google,"
if it lasts, will open up many more eyes, finally. For example, the
whole "tattoo thing." Our opponents, as well as some who apparently
just don't know better, had tried to portray us as freaks. The Skinhead
Website takes a pro-active stance against such a menace. Now
that it has increased punch, it can impress how the pure way is the
right way and pure skin is proud skin.
Since I became a Skinhead, my fellow-Skins have never disappointed
me and have always been a family to me. Things are getting harder and
harder for Skinheads, every day, but the "breakthrough" on "Google,"
as well as victories in the courts and in the streets, are showing that
Skinheads are keeping up the struggle, are gaining ground and are
worthy of the support and trust of our countrymen. Being a Skinhead
comes at a price. That price is cleaning up ourselves, our tactics and
our image, so that we can move ahead in cleaning up our country
and purifying our cause.
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Copyright 2008 Skinheadz