Assessing and Solving the Sub-Prime Crisis
(too old to reply)
2008-03-07 21:47:11 UTC

Richard Barrett

Those defining the current real-estate debacle as a "housing-crisis" seem
to overlook that the "sub-prime" mess has its roots in racial-integration
and has been building up toward the collapse since the Sixties. The
"massive-resistance" to forced, Marxist social-policies of school, housing
and workplace integration was led by government entities, such as the State
of Alabama, then by statesmen, such as Georgia-Governor Lester Maddox,
and, then, by ordinary-citizens, such as Pat Revell. It was perceived that
Negroes moving in would unleash criminality, destroy property-values
and emasculate the social-fabric. That is exactly what has happened.

Tommy Toler, who lived in the West-Jackson segment of Mississippi's
capital-city, recollected that Negroes could not afford to reside in American
neighborhoods. Even when the federal-government began to pay Negroes
welfare, subsidies and hand-outs, the descendants of African-slaves preferred
to remain in their own "'hood," largely surrounding the Negro-school in the
downtown "quarters" of Jackson. The first Negro to venture into the "Queens"
section of West-Jackson moved into a house in the back of the sub-division.
Americans refused to sell to them, but if a homeowner defaulted on a loan, the
federal-government would repossess the property and convey it to Negroes.

Toler related how teenagers would throw rocks at the Negroes and vandalize
the property, which tended to keep the invaders "in their place," except that
the homeowners living next-door immediately put their homes up for sale
and, before long, "there goes the neighborhood." The Negro-occupied houses
quickly changed hands, as the Negroes defaulted, but other Negroes quickly
were forced back in by the federal-government. No Americans would want
the places. As African-occupation oozed out, like an oil-slick, Americans
moved further and further away. The loss in value of homes, many simply
abandoned by Americans taking part in "white-flight," was staggering.

Some, such as Herman Parks, built large, high fences and vowed to stay,
but they lasted only a matter of months. The "economy" is based on
production and tangible-assets, so that when there was no actual work to
account for the value of a home and the "asset" became a dilapidated hulk,
a gaping "black-hole" opened up in the local, then state, then national
economy. So long as Henry Ford produced automobiles, the production of
his workers underwrote the value of the output of his assembly-lines. But,
when gainful-employment succumbed to largesse, the incentive to work
evaporated, shoddy-workmanship proliferated and money lost value.

The "sub-prime" bonanza was, at first, billed as a "safety-net" for "at risk"
minorities and aliens, who, it was claimed, otherwise would have no homes.
They were "at risk" because they refused to work, but, soon, they were living
in expansive residences and, finally, in mansions, all courtesy of the "over
extended" "housing-market." Lenders were sued and fined for not lending to
those of darker-hue, even though the moochers could not afford the
payments. The Fidelity Bank was shut down, because its proprietor refused
to lend to minorities lacking security. It was claimed that George Sanders had
violated "equal-lending." Consequently, only Americans were foreclosed on.

The "sub-prime" market, subsidized for those who were so deficient that
regular banks refused to deal with them, racked up sometimes as much as
eight-hundred-percent interest-rates. But, since the loans could not be
foreclosed on, without risk of lenders being cited for "discrimination," the
squatters reveled in their "free-ride." As the mansions proliferated, some
youngsters scrawled graffiti on the entrance-way to one twenty-two-room
citadel of the local Black-Caucus honcho, enriched when Negroes took over
the city under the so-called Voting Rights Act, which mandated that voting
districts be drawn solely to increase Negro "voting-strength." It turned out
to be an omen.

What made matters worse is that the Bush Administration, with its "pro-business
proclivities," had endorsed lifting usury-limits, which had pegged interest-rates
at no greater than ten-percent. So, when the tab for the Cadillacs, boom-boxes
and malt-liquor, added to the mortgage-payments, got too heavy, the bottom
fell out, prompting George W. Bush to propose "bailing out" the lenders and
interposing a "moratorium" on payments, despite the ban in the Constitution
against the "impairment of contracts." A man who would violate the sovereignty
of Iraq and Afghanistan would not be inclined to sanctify the law-of-the-land.
So, big-business was shored up and taxpayers soaked.

But, the pattern of twenty-thousand vacant slum-dwellings in Detroit, evacuated
by fleeing Americans and, then, destroyed and abandoned by shiftless
interlopers, was repeated, nationwide. The federal-government had stepped
in to "rehabilitate" the places. So, tacky siding and shoddy paint went up, at
no cost to the occupants, while the foundations sagged and roofs leaked, until
the "rehabs" quickly became uninhabitable. The "beneficiaries" just sat on
the porches, driving nary a nail, paying nary a cent, caring nary a lick. Fixing
up ruined property was tantamount to "printing money," with no value to back
it up, in effect, paying twice, to move the Negro in and, then, move him out.

There are just so many "dry-holes" and "swamp-lots" that the balance-sheet
can stand. The "unspoken-word," for the vestiges of the Lyndon-Johnson
Great-Society, had been that if the "ransom-payments," denominated as
"entitlements," were not paid, the Negroes and Mexicans would riot. However,
they have done just that, notwithstanding. So, the day is rapidly drawing
nigh when all of the favors, subsidies and "privileged-character" benefits are
ended and the Tolers and Parkses may return home. At the same time, any
who unleash violence, in opposition, must be ruthlessly and indiscriminately
put down, as a precursor to repatriating the irritants from among us.


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Not necessarily Skinheadz views
© 2008 Skinheadz
NY Dark Blue
2008-03-09 20:39:39 UTC
Post by skinheadz
Richard Barrett
Those defining the current real-estate debacle as a "housing-crisis" seem
to overlook that the "sub-prime" mess has its roots in racial-integration
and has been building up toward the collapse since the Sixties. The
"massive-resistance" to forced, Marxist social-policies of school,
The problem stems from de-regulation .. not exactly a Marxist policy .
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