2008-03-26 00:46:45 UTC
Skinheads may be traced to Minutemen, who were yeomen farmers, who, at
the spur of the moment, would rise in defense of their homeland. They were
"citizen-soldiers," sometimes known as the "militia." Their "common-man"
image is ingrained in the annals of freedom. In the post-war period, young
men emulated their fathers by adopting the "crew-cut" to symbolize athletic,
as well as military, prowess. They, also, wore "dungarees" and T-shirts.
But, crew-cuts immediately came under assault. As minorities, aliens and, even,
government commenced warfare against the clean, wholesome and all-American,
crew-cuts began to be marginalized, trampled and, even, killed off. They were
being out-bred and out-maneuvered, at every turn, on their own turf, in their
own land. The coup-de-grace came from the filthy, long-haired, communistic
hippies, who were the opposite of all they stood for.
As hippies raged, worse and worse, all-American youth began to shear their
hair, closer and closer, in protest. Then, when the dramatic confrontation at
the Broadwater Estates in England broke out, in which Skinheads battled and
defeated hippies and Negroes in the streets of London, the clean-cut look and
patriotic cause hit America like a tidal-wave. After twenty years, differences
between "organized" and "independent" Skinheads were ironed out.
To shaven heads were added bomber-jackets, for the military-flavor, boots,
for the combat-stance, and suspenders, known in England as "braces," for the
working-man insignia. Rounding off the "uniform" was the baseball-bat, in
place of the Minuteman's musket. To some Skinheads, music was important,
to others, literature was central, to others, physical activity was paramount.
But, to all, the ideology of pure skin and pure blood prevailed.
As conditions worsened, Skinheads became more crucial, but, also, scrutinized.
A student, writing a research-paper, asked, "Should Skinheads be feared?"
The answer is that "desperate men are driven to desperate deeds." However,
self-defense is a duty and a right. Yes, Skinheads are violent and rightly so.
However, the important thing is to examine why desperation is resorted to and
to remedy the social-ills which have produced injustice, fatality and abuse.
In the same breath, it must be said that there are Skinheads, who are, truly,
vigilantes, and, there are Skinheads, who are organized and lawful, using
strictly-legal methods. Skinheads face enormous oppression and intolerable
conditions and are either prone to attain power by using the system to change
the system or by wrecking the system, altogether. The ultimate aim is always,
however, to safeguard their blood, people and nation.
Skinheads do exude a dangerous image and rightly so. They take pride in
being physically strong, mentally tough and ideologically on-target. However,
people who are law-abiding, who belong in America and who have no desire to
subvert the American way-of-life have nothing to fear. Others should be fearful,
because Skinheads are a brotherhood, first among themselves, but, ultimately,
among all real and true Americans, marching, fighting and winning.
While Skinheads are largely self-defensive, they resolve to save neighborhoods
from being taken over, end the proliferation of minorities, stop the alien-invasion,
regain lost jobs, redeem the honor of womankind and restore collapsed government.
Some Skinheads do lash out and retaliate, taking great risks, but, in many instances,
it is Skinheads and Skinheads, alone, who are stemming the tide of Communism.
Wanna-bes, copy-cats and pretenders are an irritant, but not a holdback.
Skinheads are the vanguard of the new generation and, even, of the new way-of-life.
They receive enormous moral-support from the public at-large, although usually
muted or unspoken. Many Skinheads give their lives or suffer imprisonment for
the cause of freedom, nationality and purity. But, as the old saying goes, "Danger
invites rescue." So, Skinheads are remembered and honored for rescuing the
perishing, uplifting the fallen and forging the future.
Trademark/service of The Nationalist Movement
Not necessarily Skinheadz views
© 2008 Skinheadz
Skinheads may be traced to Minutemen, who were yeomen farmers, who, at
the spur of the moment, would rise in defense of their homeland. They were
"citizen-soldiers," sometimes known as the "militia." Their "common-man"
image is ingrained in the annals of freedom. In the post-war period, young
men emulated their fathers by adopting the "crew-cut" to symbolize athletic,
as well as military, prowess. They, also, wore "dungarees" and T-shirts.
But, crew-cuts immediately came under assault. As minorities, aliens and, even,
government commenced warfare against the clean, wholesome and all-American,
crew-cuts began to be marginalized, trampled and, even, killed off. They were
being out-bred and out-maneuvered, at every turn, on their own turf, in their
own land. The coup-de-grace came from the filthy, long-haired, communistic
hippies, who were the opposite of all they stood for.
As hippies raged, worse and worse, all-American youth began to shear their
hair, closer and closer, in protest. Then, when the dramatic confrontation at
the Broadwater Estates in England broke out, in which Skinheads battled and
defeated hippies and Negroes in the streets of London, the clean-cut look and
patriotic cause hit America like a tidal-wave. After twenty years, differences
between "organized" and "independent" Skinheads were ironed out.
To shaven heads were added bomber-jackets, for the military-flavor, boots,
for the combat-stance, and suspenders, known in England as "braces," for the
working-man insignia. Rounding off the "uniform" was the baseball-bat, in
place of the Minuteman's musket. To some Skinheads, music was important,
to others, literature was central, to others, physical activity was paramount.
But, to all, the ideology of pure skin and pure blood prevailed.
As conditions worsened, Skinheads became more crucial, but, also, scrutinized.
A student, writing a research-paper, asked, "Should Skinheads be feared?"
The answer is that "desperate men are driven to desperate deeds." However,
self-defense is a duty and a right. Yes, Skinheads are violent and rightly so.
However, the important thing is to examine why desperation is resorted to and
to remedy the social-ills which have produced injustice, fatality and abuse.
In the same breath, it must be said that there are Skinheads, who are, truly,
vigilantes, and, there are Skinheads, who are organized and lawful, using
strictly-legal methods. Skinheads face enormous oppression and intolerable
conditions and are either prone to attain power by using the system to change
the system or by wrecking the system, altogether. The ultimate aim is always,
however, to safeguard their blood, people and nation.
Skinheads do exude a dangerous image and rightly so. They take pride in
being physically strong, mentally tough and ideologically on-target. However,
people who are law-abiding, who belong in America and who have no desire to
subvert the American way-of-life have nothing to fear. Others should be fearful,
because Skinheads are a brotherhood, first among themselves, but, ultimately,
among all real and true Americans, marching, fighting and winning.
While Skinheads are largely self-defensive, they resolve to save neighborhoods
from being taken over, end the proliferation of minorities, stop the alien-invasion,
regain lost jobs, redeem the honor of womankind and restore collapsed government.
Some Skinheads do lash out and retaliate, taking great risks, but, in many instances,
it is Skinheads and Skinheads, alone, who are stemming the tide of Communism.
Wanna-bes, copy-cats and pretenders are an irritant, but not a holdback.
Skinheads are the vanguard of the new generation and, even, of the new way-of-life.
They receive enormous moral-support from the public at-large, although usually
muted or unspoken. Many Skinheads give their lives or suffer imprisonment for
the cause of freedom, nationality and purity. But, as the old saying goes, "Danger
invites rescue." So, Skinheads are remembered and honored for rescuing the
perishing, uplifting the fallen and forging the future.
Trademark/service of The Nationalist Movement
Not necessarily Skinheadz views
© 2008 Skinheadz