2008-07-23 18:25:02 UTC
WJNT Radio
Kim Wade: Our guest today is Richard Barrett, who needs no
introduction. Are you here today to endorse Barack Obama?
Richard Barrett: No, but as Gene Talmadge used to say, "I may
surprise you, but I won't lie to you." That's why I am going to
predict that Obama is going in. But, that it will cause such an
uproar, such a revolt, that we will take the country back. It will be
the greatest wake-up call in a generation. They've wanted Rosa Parks,
Martin Luther King and now Obama. We know how Mississippi, for one,
has stood so long and fought so hard against it. There are going to
be many who will finally say, "We were with you all along." That's
when the great turnabout will begin. Notice how many countries have
responded to differing ethnicities, by divvying up their nations.
Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, India and, even, Russia.
Wade: Yes, India and Pakistan.
Barrett: There were a million deaths in the partition of Pakistan and
India, when the Moslems separated from the Hindus, but it ultimately
brought some peace to that fractured land and our nation is reaching
the point where the people are crying out for similar solutions to
heal our land. At least, with Obama, what you see is what you get.
And, that is a wake-up call. I just want our Second American
Revolution to work its will peacefully.
Wade: I believe that there is gong to be a Balkanization of America,
if Obama is elected. The people are seriously concerned.
Barrett: Well, let's face it, though, Obama is not going in, because
of what Obama has done, but because of what George W. Bush and the
Republicans have done. I'm a veteran of Vietnam. I have two Purple
Hearts. And we were taught the Code-of-Conduct. If you are captured
or if you capture someone else, you give your name, rank and
serial-number. And that's all. That's the humane way, under the
Geneva Convention. We didn't torture anyone, we didn't murder people,
we weren't war-criminals. That's all changed under the Bush and
Cheney regime. And, it has so dishonored Americans, so dishonored
veterans, that what they're going to do is, they're going to "throw
the bums out." They want change. If you use sulphuric-acid to clean
your teeth, it will get the decay out, but you're going to have to
have a new set of dentures. And, that's what we're going to have
here. It's going to be amazing. The Tories once took over and ruled
America, but, after the Revolution, a lot of them moved out, some of
them settled in, but there was a change.
Wade: Change.
Barrett:You're going to see a lot of the homosexuals going back in
the closet, after Obama's time. The black-power crowd, they may be
gone, like Meyer Kahane with Aliyah, even going back to Africa. But,
whatever does happen, we're not going to see, like I did down at
Jena, the red-green-and-black. You heard about the "Republic of New
Africa." We're going to have a resurgence of red-white-and-blue
Americanism. And, it's going to be whole new day.
Wade: The Balkanization or resurgence, as you would call it, from a
demographic standpoint, actually, this is the white man's last
Barrett: You're got a good point there. We're either going to take it
back or we're going to lose it. Now, I love Mississippi. I love this
country. I don't want to give up New Mexico to Mexicans. I don't want
to give up Mississippi to Africa. I don't want to give up Oregon to
the Orientals. But, I will say this. With Boris Yeltsin, when he spun
off different parts of Russia and got them separate, they ended up
with more sovereignty and more freedom for all of them. Now, I am for
a unitary, undivided nation, but "spinning-off" may be something to
consider here. I favor repatriation. There needs to be a bunch of
Mexicans sent back to Mexico. I was in Mexico City and gave a speech
at the National University and said, "Mexico por los Mexicanos" and
"Norte America por los Norte Americanos" and they cheered.
Wade: I am just telling you, now. I am not going back to Africa. It
is hot here in Mississippi and I want to stay right here and I am not
Barrett: The difference is that I saw this old woman, near where I
used to live, near Bailey Avenue, a colored woman, she was on WLBT a
while ago, and she said, "When we had segregation, I didn't have the
bullet holes in my house," which she pointed out. "I didn't see the
syringes on my front lawn." So, for that woman, as well as for all of
us, I'd like to say, "Let's erase this whole, so-called civil-rights
era." But, again, it's going to take a wake-up call. But, Barack
Obama in the White House could be that wake-up call.
Wade: The changes that you said, which are coming about, and which I
would agree, is from neglect. Not only neglect on the part of
Republicans, but African-Americans, who have had fifty years to
parlay this civil-rights thing into really something. I mean, you've
got people coming over here from India and they're making a go of it
in one generation, but we have not been able to parlay this into what
we said, which was for all African-Americans to grow. We've got
pockets, we've got individuals.
Barrett: Then, let's just repair back to the Bible, since we are here
in the Bible Belt, where it says in the Scriptures that the Ethiopian
can't change his skin, neither the leopard his spots . Let's just not
try to do it. I said this over on Charles-Evers program, "You have
your churches, but we have ours, you sing your songs, just let us
sing ours. You have your freedom, but let us have ours." The
difference is that we are going to have a call in this country, as
never before, for majority-rule. I remember, they interviewed a
woman, on Martin Luther King's Holiday, which I want to abolish and
hope we will, one day soon, down in New Orleans, and they asked,
"What has Martin Luther King done for you?" She said, "He got the
white man's foot off our neck." Well, maybe so, but look at the Ninth
Ward. And, is that really what they wanted? I don't think so. We've
tried it. We've tried the poverty-plan, we've tried the riots, we've
tried the looting, we've paid the ransom and now here comes Obama.
But, like you said, this is the last chance. We can either say,
"You've got what you wanted, so now we are going to take it back" or,
"Boys, it's over for us."
Wade: What I see in an Obama-Presidency is a break-down of
law-and-order. I do see that coming.
Barrett: Yes and it will get progressively worse. But, while I have
the chance, I want to say this, as a patriot, soldier and American. I
want Afghanistan to have its freedom. That doesn't mean that we
invade it, but that we get out. And, Obama. You get out of
Afghanistan. You get out of Iraq. Then, when they have their freedom,
as it says in the Declaration of Independence, we assert our
sovereignty, among the nations of the world. But, that doesn't mean
that we deny the other nations of the world their sovereignty. Do you
know who voted against World War I? It was James K. Vardaman, the
Senator from Mississippi. His reason was, he said that he was not
worried about what is going to happen over there, but we are going to
lose our freedom, here at home. And, that is exactly what is
happening under this Bush Doctrine. They are taking our rights away,
tapping our phones. I was at the trial of Ernest Avants. He was
brought up, after forty years, after he had been put on trial and
acquitted. I am sorry, Mr. Bush, but we have a Bill of Rights. And,
as for torturing people. I heard it said that "they are not American
citizens," but, "when you care for the least of these, my brethren,
you do it unto the Lord."
Wade: We are talking to the "Reverend" Richard Barrett.
Barrett: Oh, no, no, no.
Wade: We are talking about the implications of the elections in
November. The fairness-doctrine is in effect here and always has been
here on WJNT. One of the things is, when we talk about Obama, we have
to ask, "Would he fight for this country or just be an isolationist?"
Barrett: When we had the war against Communism, it was a just war.
This is an unjust war, an invasion, based on the lies and the perfidy
of the White House. But, you will notice how far I went. And this is
as far as I went. There were four white people there at Jackson
State, when Obama was there. There was me, Ronnie Musgrove.
Wade: He had an Obama shirt on.
Barrett: Yes and there was David Blount and, of course, some of the
news-media. Well, here comes Obama and here I am. He comes up and he
is about this far away and I thought, oh, no. If I get a picture, here,
this will be a "career-'buster," so I gave him the "thumbs-down."
Wade: Don't shake my hand.
Barrett: Don't shake my hand.
Wade: You're going to ruin my career.
Barrett: Exactly. So, he turned and walked away. Now, I am going to
say who I am not voting for. I'm not voting John McCain.
Wade: What?
Barrett: I'm not voting Bob Barr. I'm not voting Ralph Nader. I'm a
Mississippi Democrat. And, the Democratic Party. I didn't leave it,
it left me. LBJ was told that when he forced the Civil Rights Bill,
he gave the South up to the Republicans for a generation. Well, Chip
Pickering and his "old man" Charles, have, now, turned it back to the
Democrats. And, now that we've got it back, I want it to be the party
of John Bell Williams, James O. Eastland, James K. Vardaman and Theo.
G. Bilbo. And, Ross Barnett.
Wade: I'm not sure it could happen.
Barrett: It can happen.
Wade: But how the Pickerings? I see Trent Lott as more of the
corporate culprit.
Barrett: They are as much a clone for Lott as McCain is a clone for
Bush, unfortunately. When a man is supposed to be a public-servant
and comes out and says that he would rather be making a
multi-million-dollar salary, that's not public-service. And, Chip
Pickering supported the Bennie-Thompson Congressional-District. We
were in there, trying to abolish it, while he was in there saying,
"Let me have my district and he can have his." No, no no. Let's get
rid of all these gerrymandered districts. Then, we can have some real
freedom and majority-rule.
Wade: We are in the studios with Richard Barrett. I thought he was
going to announce his support for Barack Obama. Well, he almost has.
He thinks it is going to be a boon for folks who want to return to
their roots, whether its African-roots or white-American roots. He
sees the Balkanization of America, as I do. I really see, just
between the corruption in our government and some of the policies
that will probably come out of this Administration, which comes up
next, I see the breakdown of law and order. Like I say, keep the
powder dry. Richard, what do you think?
Barrett: I agree.
Caller: This is such terrible racism. I can't believe I am hearing
Barrett: Are you against your own race, caller?
Caller: We should not be having racism in the United States of
Barrett: Are you married, Sir?
Caller: It doesn't matter who I am married to or, even, who I
proposed to.
Barrett: Yes, it does. Who have you proposed to? Are you an
"equal-opportunity" proposer? Do you marry among your own kind of
people? Most people do. Is there something wrong with that?
Caller: It's none of your business.
Barrett: Yes, it is my business, because what you are trying to do is
ignore the most democratic-institution in this country, which is not
the voting booth, necessarily, but the marriage-license bureau. If
you look there, hypocrites like you talk one way, but then you go and
do something else. I say, let's be realistic in this country and, if
we do, we're going to eventually have good government.
Caller: I can't believe that this man is saying this.
Barrett: Well, you recall that Hank Williams, Jr. sung, "We're going
to take Miami back." Well, I hope you agree with that, caller,
because I'm going to take Jackson back.
Caller: You're going to have a hard time doing that.
Barrett: I know that, but, you know, we took it back from William T.
Sherman and we can take it back from Frank Melton. We took this whole
country back from King George III. Why can't we take it back from
Martin Luther King? And, we can't do it with the Republicans. We
tried it. Barry Goldwater tried it. But, now, let's see if we can
turn the Democratic Party around and we might have some change in
this country. Thomas Jefferson was a Democrat and so is Richard
Barrett and I haven't changed.
Caller: I am from South Mississippi and I am so glad that Mississippi
is changing and evolving to this new way of thinking.
Barrett: I wish you'd read in the Bible where it says, "I change
not," because there is something good about that.
Caller: Mr. Barrett, you would hate me, because my husband is black.
Barrett: I did not say that.
Caller: He is fine and generous and very good-looking. That is all I
have to say.
Barrett: You will notice, in the Bible, when the Ethiopian was
converted, he then was told by Phillip, go back to your own country,
which he did. And, of course, that's what I said here. This is what
happened, when Phineas accosted a mixed-couple. The Lord was
displeased and said so. You may have the freedom to do as you wish,
but please do not try to push you way of living or way of thinking
onto everyone else.
Caller: Why do you have Richard Barrett on?
Wade: Because he is here talking about the implications of an
Caller: For forty years, caller, we have had Mississippians call
themselves "conservatives" and, of course, I have called myself a
"conservative" Democrat, meaning that we wanted to hold onto and
conserve things as they were prior to Earl Warren, the Little Rock
invasion and the Civil Rights Bill. But now, after forty years, we
cannot "conserve" what we've had. We, really, have to "radicalize"
the electorate, to where we have people like Thomas Paine, who said
that "we have it in our power to start the world all over again." So,
when you have a wrecking ball, like Obama, going in, and you have a
clone or a sell-out, if you will, a betrayer of the
conservative-principles, as John McCain, getting beat, this is a
chance to start all over again. So, I urge that we go ahead and build
this country back and, this time, build it right.
Wade: Well, if you think that Obama is going to usher all of this in,
why don't you vote for him, in short?
Barrett: Well, I can't go that far, because, as the Lord said on the
mountaintop, "Get behind me, Satan," but I am going to predict that
he is going in. Notice that Salvador Allende was a Communist, who was
elected President of Chile, but, of course, he was, then, ousted in a
revolution. And, Oliver Cromwell had a revolution in England, but,
when it got to be so excessive, the people threw it out. But,
remember this, they called it the "Glorious Revolution," meaning that
they took it back, without bloodshed. Boris Yeltsin threw out the
Communists in Russia, without a shot being fired. And, that's the way
I want it to happen here, once Obama does go in. Democratically,
without violence.
Wade: Richard doesn't want to see blood in the streets, just
Greyhounds and boats carrying folks away.
Barrett: It wouldn't hurt. Remember, I was arrested at the Democratic
Convention in Atlanta. I had a sign that read, "Andy Jackson, Not
Jesse Jackson". I think I might better get that sign out and carry it
to Denver with me.
Wade: I know you've been to Vietnam. What other countries have you
Barrett: I went to England and had the "thought-police" chasing me
all over the country. They were trying to throw me out, the way
Marcus Garvey was trying to get your folks back to Africa. It was
pretty horrendous. But, it made me very thankful that we do have
freedom-of-speech, in this country, which they don't have, anyplace
else. I notice that there is a boy, you see his picture in my
newspaper, Brett VanAsdlen. He got in a fight with a homosexual in
Illinois and there weren't 20,000 people brought in, unfortunately,
to support him, but he's being charged with "hate." But, in this
country, a man should have the right to speak, without being accused
of being a "hater." Some may have called Benjamin Franklin a "hater"
of the crown and, also, George Washington, but I am glad that they
won out, in the end, and we're going to win out, in the end, as well.
What kind of vision does Richard Barrett have for this country? I see
it in the Bible. There will be no complaining in our streets, no
crime, no breaking in, our people will be happy and the Lord will be
our God. That is my view and my vision for America.
Wade: So, what do you anticipate for the Southern states?
Barrett: I think we're going to see pretty much of a landslide for
Obama, because, remember, it is not Obama, now, it is the reaction
against the atrocities, war-criminality, incompetence and lies of the
Bush Administration. As well as the failure of the Republicans for
the past forty years. Remember the "Republican Revolution" of 1994?
Everyone said, "Ah, here is Newt Gingrich," who had been put in by
Lester Maddox, and "the axe-handles are coming back, again," but it
never happened. Pat Buchanan was saying, "Let's get out the
pitchforks." Lester Maddox had the axe-handles, but, maybe, we can
use the ballot, in the same way. Obama will be in for a time and,
yes, it could be the end, we could lose out, but, we had to put
Elliot Spitzer in, in order to expose him and, then, kick him out. We
had to put Grey Davis in, in order to kick him out and put Arnold
Schwarzenegger in. So, now, we're going to put Obama in and, then,
we're going to kick him out and have some real change, turning it
completely around.
Wade: There will be some changes. Let's just say that things will not
be the same, after this is all over.
Barrett: One thing that I hear from right-wing or conservative
people. They are saying that, at least, you are getting more honesty
from Obama. This isn't a compliment to him, but he goes to and plays
to his people. I was at Lester Maddox' funeral and, just as at the
Jesse Helms' funeral, people started to say, "He was for
free-enterprise" and "he was a good Sunday School teacher," but, down
at the Maynard-Jackson funeral, they were saying, "He was for his
people." Now, I'd like to hear more people say that we want more
people in public life who are for our people. They are going to risk
the "hate" law, risk the name-calling and even get kicked off the
air, but they're going to turn this country around and it's going to
be a better country.
Wade: I am just curious. This is my personal curiosity. When you were
in Vietnam, you couldn't have been expressing yourself this way. I
can't see you out in the jungle telling the brothers how you really
felt and they are over there, with a chip on their shoulders for
being over there.
Barrett: I'm glad you mentioned that. We had an American flag that
was sent to us by Governor George Wallace of Alabama. We hung it up
in our bungalow and the Negroes came in and tore it down. That was
the disrespect that they were showing for the fact that they didnt
want to be there. Well, Governor Wallace sent us another flag and we
put it back up and, then, I came back and met Governor Wallace and,
also, I met Governor Orval Faubus, the great segregationists and
Democrats of the day. But, Governor Faubus said this to me. He spent
the night at my house, one time, and, as he was leaving, he said,
"Richard, it's up to you, now, to carry on." So, that's what I am
trying to do.
Wade: He, literally, passed the torch to you.
Barrett: He, literally, did and I hope that I can pass it on to some
of the younger ones, as well.
Wade: I see the Obama-Presidency as just the tip of the ice-berg.
He's of mixed-race. When I go home to my hometown of Decatur,
Illinois, I mean, you talk about integration taking hold, I mean, all
the kids are yellow. You see some black and whites of pure race, but
a lot of race-mixing is going on. So, you can take it as far as you
want to, in seeing America reconstituted and reestablished.
Barrett: When Senator Eastland warned that integration was
Communist-instigated, people in Mississippi knew it and throughout
the South, but a lot of other people said, "Oh, come on, how could
that be?" But, then, they've looked at Haiti, they've looked at Cuba
and some of the other third-world countries and realized that it
could happen here. So, I'd like them to say it's not too late. If
they wake up and we get Obama in there, here's what could happen. We
could have, as you've said, bloodshed and violence in the streets. I
hope not, but I think we're going to hear the spoken-word, used as
never before. I might be burning up the airwaves, today, but you're
going to have a lot more of that, on the Internet, where they can't
censor it. You're going to be having people saying, "Take America
back" and they're going to find a way to do it. I summon the
resourcefulness, the genius, of America, to use the "I Can" on the
last letters of the name "America."
Wade: Well, we would agree on this. Change is coming to America. Like
we've never seen before.
Barrett: Talking about change, here's the Congressional-race and I
asked to meet with Greg Harper, to see what kind of change he was
for, but he wouldn't meet with me. So, I said, "I'll meet with Joel
Gill, because, I'm a Democrat and I might endorse him." When we met,
he said, "I don't agree with everything you say" and I said, "That's
all right." But, I said, "Tell me something about yourself. Tell me
about your family." And he said, "My grandchildren are mixed." He
said, "I have a blended family." And, I said, "Joel, I cannot support
you on that." To me, that's against what this country and this way of
life is all about.
Wade: You don't have any black-folks in your family? You don't have
anyone married to black-folks? Come on, you're from New York.
Barrett: Born in New York City, but no, I do not. I came south to
Mississippi, because I did not want what has been happening up there
to happen down here.
Wade: But, you cannot disavow what your cousin or somebody else might
do. He's not responsible for everything in his family.
Barrett: Well, that was the thing. I was hoping that Gill would
distance himself from what had taken place, but he didn't. He could
have said something like, "Well, I didn't have any control over it."
But, what I see, coming out of all of this, is, if there is one
monument to Richard Barrett, is that we can amend the Constitution,
so we can have national-voting. You and I are talking over the radio,
but, if we had national-voting, the same as they have in the Russian
Constitution and others, you could put on the ballot, "Do you want a
Civil Rights Bill?" It would be voted down, in a single day.
Caller: You are on Kim Wade's program. But, would you allow him to
appear on your
program, as well?
Barrett: Good question. I was asked the same thing by James Meredith,
who wanted to endorse me, when I was running for Governor. He said
that he had endorsed David Duke, as you remember, he endorsed Jesse
Helms, and he wanted to endorse me. I thanked him, but said that I
didn't want to have his endorsement. But, I went on the radio with
James Meredith and we had a nice discussion, but, then, he wanted to
come on my show and I said, "I'm sorry." This is the great failing of
the Republicans. They say that, since we trade with Canada, we must
trade with Mexico. Or, if we deal with England, we must deal with
India. That fails to put American workers first. Boosting our
adversaries does not pull us up, it only knocks us down.
Wade: By the way, Richard Barrett did pay his respects to Charles
Tisdale, just before he died.
Caller: But, you aren't being fair, Mr. Barrett. You should see to it
that all sides are heard. You would not allow Kim Wade to be heard,
if you had your way.
Barrett: I'll tell you the reason why. It's because I believe in a
thing called democracy. Democracy and majority-rule. If you run for
office and you don't get enough votes, you don't hold half the
office, you don't hold a third of it, you get nothing. That's the way
it should be in America. Winner-take-all. If you speak English, are
heterosexual, if you believe in democracy, you obey the law, you pay
your debts, you should rule.
Caller: Barack Obama is going in. It is going to be wonderful.
Barrett: Yes, he is going in, but, no, it is not going to be
wonderful, but it is going to be an opportunity.
Caller: How do you mean an opportunity?
Barrett: If we want to take America back, yes, it will be an
Caller: But, then, why should you be allowed on this radio-station?
Barrett: Well, it has a lot to do with the FCC. Charles Evers has his
station. He does all-colored broadcasting, but I come on, once a
year, because he says that I am the "token" white-fellow. And, that's
all right with me. But, Kim told me, off the air, that there are
three people, who are going to save this country. Kim, would you
repeat that?
Wade: America is going to be saved by Christians, patriots and
Barrett: That says it all, caller.
Caller: But, how can you get away with talking as you do?
Barrett: It is called free-speech.
Wade: You see, he's does not have his own show, right now, so the
fact that Mr. Barrett doesn't believe in the same things I believe in
does not mean that I do not subscribe to free-speech.
Barrett: When John Kennedy was in there, he had a lot of these
liberal-policies, just like Obama, but he couldn't get them through,
because people "had his number." They knew him and they saw him, when
he was coming. It's going to be the same thing with Obama. They're
going to stonewall it, they're going to overthrow it, but it's going
to lead to a whole, new day. And, that day is going to be red, white
and blue, not black, brown or yellow. Look forward to it. It is going
to be a great day.
Wade: I appreciate all the calls today and, Richard, the doors are
open to you.
Barrett: Thank you, Kim.
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WJNT Radio
Kim Wade: Our guest today is Richard Barrett, who needs no
introduction. Are you here today to endorse Barack Obama?
Richard Barrett: No, but as Gene Talmadge used to say, "I may
surprise you, but I won't lie to you." That's why I am going to
predict that Obama is going in. But, that it will cause such an
uproar, such a revolt, that we will take the country back. It will be
the greatest wake-up call in a generation. They've wanted Rosa Parks,
Martin Luther King and now Obama. We know how Mississippi, for one,
has stood so long and fought so hard against it. There are going to
be many who will finally say, "We were with you all along." That's
when the great turnabout will begin. Notice how many countries have
responded to differing ethnicities, by divvying up their nations.
Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, India and, even, Russia.
Wade: Yes, India and Pakistan.
Barrett: There were a million deaths in the partition of Pakistan and
India, when the Moslems separated from the Hindus, but it ultimately
brought some peace to that fractured land and our nation is reaching
the point where the people are crying out for similar solutions to
heal our land. At least, with Obama, what you see is what you get.
And, that is a wake-up call. I just want our Second American
Revolution to work its will peacefully.
Wade: I believe that there is gong to be a Balkanization of America,
if Obama is elected. The people are seriously concerned.
Barrett: Well, let's face it, though, Obama is not going in, because
of what Obama has done, but because of what George W. Bush and the
Republicans have done. I'm a veteran of Vietnam. I have two Purple
Hearts. And we were taught the Code-of-Conduct. If you are captured
or if you capture someone else, you give your name, rank and
serial-number. And that's all. That's the humane way, under the
Geneva Convention. We didn't torture anyone, we didn't murder people,
we weren't war-criminals. That's all changed under the Bush and
Cheney regime. And, it has so dishonored Americans, so dishonored
veterans, that what they're going to do is, they're going to "throw
the bums out." They want change. If you use sulphuric-acid to clean
your teeth, it will get the decay out, but you're going to have to
have a new set of dentures. And, that's what we're going to have
here. It's going to be amazing. The Tories once took over and ruled
America, but, after the Revolution, a lot of them moved out, some of
them settled in, but there was a change.
Wade: Change.
Barrett:You're going to see a lot of the homosexuals going back in
the closet, after Obama's time. The black-power crowd, they may be
gone, like Meyer Kahane with Aliyah, even going back to Africa. But,
whatever does happen, we're not going to see, like I did down at
Jena, the red-green-and-black. You heard about the "Republic of New
Africa." We're going to have a resurgence of red-white-and-blue
Americanism. And, it's going to be whole new day.
Wade: The Balkanization or resurgence, as you would call it, from a
demographic standpoint, actually, this is the white man's last
Barrett: You're got a good point there. We're either going to take it
back or we're going to lose it. Now, I love Mississippi. I love this
country. I don't want to give up New Mexico to Mexicans. I don't want
to give up Mississippi to Africa. I don't want to give up Oregon to
the Orientals. But, I will say this. With Boris Yeltsin, when he spun
off different parts of Russia and got them separate, they ended up
with more sovereignty and more freedom for all of them. Now, I am for
a unitary, undivided nation, but "spinning-off" may be something to
consider here. I favor repatriation. There needs to be a bunch of
Mexicans sent back to Mexico. I was in Mexico City and gave a speech
at the National University and said, "Mexico por los Mexicanos" and
"Norte America por los Norte Americanos" and they cheered.
Wade: I am just telling you, now. I am not going back to Africa. It
is hot here in Mississippi and I want to stay right here and I am not
Barrett: The difference is that I saw this old woman, near where I
used to live, near Bailey Avenue, a colored woman, she was on WLBT a
while ago, and she said, "When we had segregation, I didn't have the
bullet holes in my house," which she pointed out. "I didn't see the
syringes on my front lawn." So, for that woman, as well as for all of
us, I'd like to say, "Let's erase this whole, so-called civil-rights
era." But, again, it's going to take a wake-up call. But, Barack
Obama in the White House could be that wake-up call.
Wade: The changes that you said, which are coming about, and which I
would agree, is from neglect. Not only neglect on the part of
Republicans, but African-Americans, who have had fifty years to
parlay this civil-rights thing into really something. I mean, you've
got people coming over here from India and they're making a go of it
in one generation, but we have not been able to parlay this into what
we said, which was for all African-Americans to grow. We've got
pockets, we've got individuals.
Barrett: Then, let's just repair back to the Bible, since we are here
in the Bible Belt, where it says in the Scriptures that the Ethiopian
can't change his skin, neither the leopard his spots . Let's just not
try to do it. I said this over on Charles-Evers program, "You have
your churches, but we have ours, you sing your songs, just let us
sing ours. You have your freedom, but let us have ours." The
difference is that we are going to have a call in this country, as
never before, for majority-rule. I remember, they interviewed a
woman, on Martin Luther King's Holiday, which I want to abolish and
hope we will, one day soon, down in New Orleans, and they asked,
"What has Martin Luther King done for you?" She said, "He got the
white man's foot off our neck." Well, maybe so, but look at the Ninth
Ward. And, is that really what they wanted? I don't think so. We've
tried it. We've tried the poverty-plan, we've tried the riots, we've
tried the looting, we've paid the ransom and now here comes Obama.
But, like you said, this is the last chance. We can either say,
"You've got what you wanted, so now we are going to take it back" or,
"Boys, it's over for us."
Wade: What I see in an Obama-Presidency is a break-down of
law-and-order. I do see that coming.
Barrett: Yes and it will get progressively worse. But, while I have
the chance, I want to say this, as a patriot, soldier and American. I
want Afghanistan to have its freedom. That doesn't mean that we
invade it, but that we get out. And, Obama. You get out of
Afghanistan. You get out of Iraq. Then, when they have their freedom,
as it says in the Declaration of Independence, we assert our
sovereignty, among the nations of the world. But, that doesn't mean
that we deny the other nations of the world their sovereignty. Do you
know who voted against World War I? It was James K. Vardaman, the
Senator from Mississippi. His reason was, he said that he was not
worried about what is going to happen over there, but we are going to
lose our freedom, here at home. And, that is exactly what is
happening under this Bush Doctrine. They are taking our rights away,
tapping our phones. I was at the trial of Ernest Avants. He was
brought up, after forty years, after he had been put on trial and
acquitted. I am sorry, Mr. Bush, but we have a Bill of Rights. And,
as for torturing people. I heard it said that "they are not American
citizens," but, "when you care for the least of these, my brethren,
you do it unto the Lord."
Wade: We are talking to the "Reverend" Richard Barrett.
Barrett: Oh, no, no, no.
Wade: We are talking about the implications of the elections in
November. The fairness-doctrine is in effect here and always has been
here on WJNT. One of the things is, when we talk about Obama, we have
to ask, "Would he fight for this country or just be an isolationist?"
Barrett: When we had the war against Communism, it was a just war.
This is an unjust war, an invasion, based on the lies and the perfidy
of the White House. But, you will notice how far I went. And this is
as far as I went. There were four white people there at Jackson
State, when Obama was there. There was me, Ronnie Musgrove.
Wade: He had an Obama shirt on.
Barrett: Yes and there was David Blount and, of course, some of the
news-media. Well, here comes Obama and here I am. He comes up and he
is about this far away and I thought, oh, no. If I get a picture, here,
this will be a "career-'buster," so I gave him the "thumbs-down."
Wade: Don't shake my hand.
Barrett: Don't shake my hand.
Wade: You're going to ruin my career.
Barrett: Exactly. So, he turned and walked away. Now, I am going to
say who I am not voting for. I'm not voting John McCain.
Wade: What?
Barrett: I'm not voting Bob Barr. I'm not voting Ralph Nader. I'm a
Mississippi Democrat. And, the Democratic Party. I didn't leave it,
it left me. LBJ was told that when he forced the Civil Rights Bill,
he gave the South up to the Republicans for a generation. Well, Chip
Pickering and his "old man" Charles, have, now, turned it back to the
Democrats. And, now that we've got it back, I want it to be the party
of John Bell Williams, James O. Eastland, James K. Vardaman and Theo.
G. Bilbo. And, Ross Barnett.
Wade: I'm not sure it could happen.
Barrett: It can happen.
Wade: But how the Pickerings? I see Trent Lott as more of the
corporate culprit.
Barrett: They are as much a clone for Lott as McCain is a clone for
Bush, unfortunately. When a man is supposed to be a public-servant
and comes out and says that he would rather be making a
multi-million-dollar salary, that's not public-service. And, Chip
Pickering supported the Bennie-Thompson Congressional-District. We
were in there, trying to abolish it, while he was in there saying,
"Let me have my district and he can have his." No, no no. Let's get
rid of all these gerrymandered districts. Then, we can have some real
freedom and majority-rule.
Wade: We are in the studios with Richard Barrett. I thought he was
going to announce his support for Barack Obama. Well, he almost has.
He thinks it is going to be a boon for folks who want to return to
their roots, whether its African-roots or white-American roots. He
sees the Balkanization of America, as I do. I really see, just
between the corruption in our government and some of the policies
that will probably come out of this Administration, which comes up
next, I see the breakdown of law and order. Like I say, keep the
powder dry. Richard, what do you think?
Barrett: I agree.
Caller: This is such terrible racism. I can't believe I am hearing
Barrett: Are you against your own race, caller?
Caller: We should not be having racism in the United States of
Barrett: Are you married, Sir?
Caller: It doesn't matter who I am married to or, even, who I
proposed to.
Barrett: Yes, it does. Who have you proposed to? Are you an
"equal-opportunity" proposer? Do you marry among your own kind of
people? Most people do. Is there something wrong with that?
Caller: It's none of your business.
Barrett: Yes, it is my business, because what you are trying to do is
ignore the most democratic-institution in this country, which is not
the voting booth, necessarily, but the marriage-license bureau. If
you look there, hypocrites like you talk one way, but then you go and
do something else. I say, let's be realistic in this country and, if
we do, we're going to eventually have good government.
Caller: I can't believe that this man is saying this.
Barrett: Well, you recall that Hank Williams, Jr. sung, "We're going
to take Miami back." Well, I hope you agree with that, caller,
because I'm going to take Jackson back.
Caller: You're going to have a hard time doing that.
Barrett: I know that, but, you know, we took it back from William T.
Sherman and we can take it back from Frank Melton. We took this whole
country back from King George III. Why can't we take it back from
Martin Luther King? And, we can't do it with the Republicans. We
tried it. Barry Goldwater tried it. But, now, let's see if we can
turn the Democratic Party around and we might have some change in
this country. Thomas Jefferson was a Democrat and so is Richard
Barrett and I haven't changed.
Caller: I am from South Mississippi and I am so glad that Mississippi
is changing and evolving to this new way of thinking.
Barrett: I wish you'd read in the Bible where it says, "I change
not," because there is something good about that.
Caller: Mr. Barrett, you would hate me, because my husband is black.
Barrett: I did not say that.
Caller: He is fine and generous and very good-looking. That is all I
have to say.
Barrett: You will notice, in the Bible, when the Ethiopian was
converted, he then was told by Phillip, go back to your own country,
which he did. And, of course, that's what I said here. This is what
happened, when Phineas accosted a mixed-couple. The Lord was
displeased and said so. You may have the freedom to do as you wish,
but please do not try to push you way of living or way of thinking
onto everyone else.
Caller: Why do you have Richard Barrett on?
Wade: Because he is here talking about the implications of an
Caller: For forty years, caller, we have had Mississippians call
themselves "conservatives" and, of course, I have called myself a
"conservative" Democrat, meaning that we wanted to hold onto and
conserve things as they were prior to Earl Warren, the Little Rock
invasion and the Civil Rights Bill. But now, after forty years, we
cannot "conserve" what we've had. We, really, have to "radicalize"
the electorate, to where we have people like Thomas Paine, who said
that "we have it in our power to start the world all over again." So,
when you have a wrecking ball, like Obama, going in, and you have a
clone or a sell-out, if you will, a betrayer of the
conservative-principles, as John McCain, getting beat, this is a
chance to start all over again. So, I urge that we go ahead and build
this country back and, this time, build it right.
Wade: Well, if you think that Obama is going to usher all of this in,
why don't you vote for him, in short?
Barrett: Well, I can't go that far, because, as the Lord said on the
mountaintop, "Get behind me, Satan," but I am going to predict that
he is going in. Notice that Salvador Allende was a Communist, who was
elected President of Chile, but, of course, he was, then, ousted in a
revolution. And, Oliver Cromwell had a revolution in England, but,
when it got to be so excessive, the people threw it out. But,
remember this, they called it the "Glorious Revolution," meaning that
they took it back, without bloodshed. Boris Yeltsin threw out the
Communists in Russia, without a shot being fired. And, that's the way
I want it to happen here, once Obama does go in. Democratically,
without violence.
Wade: Richard doesn't want to see blood in the streets, just
Greyhounds and boats carrying folks away.
Barrett: It wouldn't hurt. Remember, I was arrested at the Democratic
Convention in Atlanta. I had a sign that read, "Andy Jackson, Not
Jesse Jackson". I think I might better get that sign out and carry it
to Denver with me.
Wade: I know you've been to Vietnam. What other countries have you
Barrett: I went to England and had the "thought-police" chasing me
all over the country. They were trying to throw me out, the way
Marcus Garvey was trying to get your folks back to Africa. It was
pretty horrendous. But, it made me very thankful that we do have
freedom-of-speech, in this country, which they don't have, anyplace
else. I notice that there is a boy, you see his picture in my
newspaper, Brett VanAsdlen. He got in a fight with a homosexual in
Illinois and there weren't 20,000 people brought in, unfortunately,
to support him, but he's being charged with "hate." But, in this
country, a man should have the right to speak, without being accused
of being a "hater." Some may have called Benjamin Franklin a "hater"
of the crown and, also, George Washington, but I am glad that they
won out, in the end, and we're going to win out, in the end, as well.
What kind of vision does Richard Barrett have for this country? I see
it in the Bible. There will be no complaining in our streets, no
crime, no breaking in, our people will be happy and the Lord will be
our God. That is my view and my vision for America.
Wade: So, what do you anticipate for the Southern states?
Barrett: I think we're going to see pretty much of a landslide for
Obama, because, remember, it is not Obama, now, it is the reaction
against the atrocities, war-criminality, incompetence and lies of the
Bush Administration. As well as the failure of the Republicans for
the past forty years. Remember the "Republican Revolution" of 1994?
Everyone said, "Ah, here is Newt Gingrich," who had been put in by
Lester Maddox, and "the axe-handles are coming back, again," but it
never happened. Pat Buchanan was saying, "Let's get out the
pitchforks." Lester Maddox had the axe-handles, but, maybe, we can
use the ballot, in the same way. Obama will be in for a time and,
yes, it could be the end, we could lose out, but, we had to put
Elliot Spitzer in, in order to expose him and, then, kick him out. We
had to put Grey Davis in, in order to kick him out and put Arnold
Schwarzenegger in. So, now, we're going to put Obama in and, then,
we're going to kick him out and have some real change, turning it
completely around.
Wade: There will be some changes. Let's just say that things will not
be the same, after this is all over.
Barrett: One thing that I hear from right-wing or conservative
people. They are saying that, at least, you are getting more honesty
from Obama. This isn't a compliment to him, but he goes to and plays
to his people. I was at Lester Maddox' funeral and, just as at the
Jesse Helms' funeral, people started to say, "He was for
free-enterprise" and "he was a good Sunday School teacher," but, down
at the Maynard-Jackson funeral, they were saying, "He was for his
people." Now, I'd like to hear more people say that we want more
people in public life who are for our people. They are going to risk
the "hate" law, risk the name-calling and even get kicked off the
air, but they're going to turn this country around and it's going to
be a better country.
Wade: I am just curious. This is my personal curiosity. When you were
in Vietnam, you couldn't have been expressing yourself this way. I
can't see you out in the jungle telling the brothers how you really
felt and they are over there, with a chip on their shoulders for
being over there.
Barrett: I'm glad you mentioned that. We had an American flag that
was sent to us by Governor George Wallace of Alabama. We hung it up
in our bungalow and the Negroes came in and tore it down. That was
the disrespect that they were showing for the fact that they didnt
want to be there. Well, Governor Wallace sent us another flag and we
put it back up and, then, I came back and met Governor Wallace and,
also, I met Governor Orval Faubus, the great segregationists and
Democrats of the day. But, Governor Faubus said this to me. He spent
the night at my house, one time, and, as he was leaving, he said,
"Richard, it's up to you, now, to carry on." So, that's what I am
trying to do.
Wade: He, literally, passed the torch to you.
Barrett: He, literally, did and I hope that I can pass it on to some
of the younger ones, as well.
Wade: I see the Obama-Presidency as just the tip of the ice-berg.
He's of mixed-race. When I go home to my hometown of Decatur,
Illinois, I mean, you talk about integration taking hold, I mean, all
the kids are yellow. You see some black and whites of pure race, but
a lot of race-mixing is going on. So, you can take it as far as you
want to, in seeing America reconstituted and reestablished.
Barrett: When Senator Eastland warned that integration was
Communist-instigated, people in Mississippi knew it and throughout
the South, but a lot of other people said, "Oh, come on, how could
that be?" But, then, they've looked at Haiti, they've looked at Cuba
and some of the other third-world countries and realized that it
could happen here. So, I'd like them to say it's not too late. If
they wake up and we get Obama in there, here's what could happen. We
could have, as you've said, bloodshed and violence in the streets. I
hope not, but I think we're going to hear the spoken-word, used as
never before. I might be burning up the airwaves, today, but you're
going to have a lot more of that, on the Internet, where they can't
censor it. You're going to be having people saying, "Take America
back" and they're going to find a way to do it. I summon the
resourcefulness, the genius, of America, to use the "I Can" on the
last letters of the name "America."
Wade: Well, we would agree on this. Change is coming to America. Like
we've never seen before.
Barrett: Talking about change, here's the Congressional-race and I
asked to meet with Greg Harper, to see what kind of change he was
for, but he wouldn't meet with me. So, I said, "I'll meet with Joel
Gill, because, I'm a Democrat and I might endorse him." When we met,
he said, "I don't agree with everything you say" and I said, "That's
all right." But, I said, "Tell me something about yourself. Tell me
about your family." And he said, "My grandchildren are mixed." He
said, "I have a blended family." And, I said, "Joel, I cannot support
you on that." To me, that's against what this country and this way of
life is all about.
Wade: You don't have any black-folks in your family? You don't have
anyone married to black-folks? Come on, you're from New York.
Barrett: Born in New York City, but no, I do not. I came south to
Mississippi, because I did not want what has been happening up there
to happen down here.
Wade: But, you cannot disavow what your cousin or somebody else might
do. He's not responsible for everything in his family.
Barrett: Well, that was the thing. I was hoping that Gill would
distance himself from what had taken place, but he didn't. He could
have said something like, "Well, I didn't have any control over it."
But, what I see, coming out of all of this, is, if there is one
monument to Richard Barrett, is that we can amend the Constitution,
so we can have national-voting. You and I are talking over the radio,
but, if we had national-voting, the same as they have in the Russian
Constitution and others, you could put on the ballot, "Do you want a
Civil Rights Bill?" It would be voted down, in a single day.
Caller: You are on Kim Wade's program. But, would you allow him to
appear on your
program, as well?
Barrett: Good question. I was asked the same thing by James Meredith,
who wanted to endorse me, when I was running for Governor. He said
that he had endorsed David Duke, as you remember, he endorsed Jesse
Helms, and he wanted to endorse me. I thanked him, but said that I
didn't want to have his endorsement. But, I went on the radio with
James Meredith and we had a nice discussion, but, then, he wanted to
come on my show and I said, "I'm sorry." This is the great failing of
the Republicans. They say that, since we trade with Canada, we must
trade with Mexico. Or, if we deal with England, we must deal with
India. That fails to put American workers first. Boosting our
adversaries does not pull us up, it only knocks us down.
Wade: By the way, Richard Barrett did pay his respects to Charles
Tisdale, just before he died.
Caller: But, you aren't being fair, Mr. Barrett. You should see to it
that all sides are heard. You would not allow Kim Wade to be heard,
if you had your way.
Barrett: I'll tell you the reason why. It's because I believe in a
thing called democracy. Democracy and majority-rule. If you run for
office and you don't get enough votes, you don't hold half the
office, you don't hold a third of it, you get nothing. That's the way
it should be in America. Winner-take-all. If you speak English, are
heterosexual, if you believe in democracy, you obey the law, you pay
your debts, you should rule.
Caller: Barack Obama is going in. It is going to be wonderful.
Barrett: Yes, he is going in, but, no, it is not going to be
wonderful, but it is going to be an opportunity.
Caller: How do you mean an opportunity?
Barrett: If we want to take America back, yes, it will be an
Caller: But, then, why should you be allowed on this radio-station?
Barrett: Well, it has a lot to do with the FCC. Charles Evers has his
station. He does all-colored broadcasting, but I come on, once a
year, because he says that I am the "token" white-fellow. And, that's
all right with me. But, Kim told me, off the air, that there are
three people, who are going to save this country. Kim, would you
repeat that?
Wade: America is going to be saved by Christians, patriots and
Barrett: That says it all, caller.
Caller: But, how can you get away with talking as you do?
Barrett: It is called free-speech.
Wade: You see, he's does not have his own show, right now, so the
fact that Mr. Barrett doesn't believe in the same things I believe in
does not mean that I do not subscribe to free-speech.
Barrett: When John Kennedy was in there, he had a lot of these
liberal-policies, just like Obama, but he couldn't get them through,
because people "had his number." They knew him and they saw him, when
he was coming. It's going to be the same thing with Obama. They're
going to stonewall it, they're going to overthrow it, but it's going
to lead to a whole, new day. And, that day is going to be red, white
and blue, not black, brown or yellow. Look forward to it. It is going
to be a great day.
Wade: I appreciate all the calls today and, Richard, the doors are
open to you.
Barrett: Thank you, Kim.
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