Not All WHo Cry White, White
(too old to reply)
2008-11-03 02:43:52 UTC

The notion that someone could become a "Skinhead" by simply
"claiming" to be one was popularized by New York University
researcher Sylvia Sievers. However, Sievers was unable to
substantiate her thesis. Just as not all who cry "Lord, Lord" are
Christians, not all who cry "White, White" are Skinheads. A media
"feeding-frenzy" was quick to denominate Daniel Cowart and Paul
Schlesselman, who had boasted of going on a shooting-spree, as
"Skinheads," while glossing over tell-tale non-Skinhead attributes
of the controversial duo. The first clear indicator was that
Schlesselman wore facial-hair. Facial-hair and "Skinhead" do not mix,
hence the term "Skinhead." Keith Carney, who had posed with
facial-hair, while calling himself a "Keystone Skinhead," eventually
switched to terming himself a "Keystone United."

Skinheads and "Satan" do not mix. "Satanic" literature was found in
Cowart's bedroom and Schlesselman posted an Internet-page declaring
that he "belonged to Satan." A book, published by "Final Conflict" in
England, entitled, "Satan and Its Allies, the Nationalist Movement
Under Attack," detailed an unsuccessful attempt by the late Anton
LaVey, a self-proclaimed Satanist, to "infiltrate" Skinheads. One
proponent, Hendrick Moebus, who became infatuated with Satanism and
Skinheads, was convicted of murder and, after a brief claim to being
a Skinhead, grew his hair out into long-flowing locks and abandoned
the label. George Burdi had promoted Satanism, "Skinheads" and a
"white" agenda, over the Internet, until he was jailed and one of his
followers killed. Burdi, who sported facial-hair, then went

Religious-irreverence is not a Skinhead trait. However, Schlesselman
posted a homemade-video profanely taking the Lord's name in vain.
Skinheads, by nature, are opposed to godless Communism, so
gratuitous attacks on Christianity are out of character and abhorrent.
Schlesselman, grotesquely displaying weapons and grimacing with a
knife in his teeth, seemed more like anarchist Dylan Klebold, who
went on the Columbine shooting-spree, than Skinhead Chad Huber,
who instructed his friends in safety and self-defense. Conspicuous
drunkenness, self-proclaimed by the pair, goes against the gain of
"Straight-Edge Skinheads," who reject all alcohol. While some
Skinheads may imbibe, lushes are universally scorned. Jerry Lord, who
showed up at a public-meeting drunk, was told to leave and not come

Skinheads are determined, rightist social-reformers, who are savvy
about the challenges they face from Communists, reporters and,
often, police. In a post over "Officer.com", which espouses being
"pro-law-enforcement," a Negro brags how he harasses Skinheads,
stopping and searching them on a college-campus, even without
probable cause. The Negro complains that the Skinheads are
"excessively polite," but "do not give reason to arrest them." Cowart
and Schlesselman, on the other hand, "singing" about their grandiose
scheme, seem contrary to what would likely be the Skinhead knee-jerk
reaction to demand a lawyer. It is not unprecedented to "claim"
"Skinhead," as did Leo Felton. Felton amassed guns and plotted a
similar killing-spree, before being exposed as a Negro, at which
point the media lost interest.

Involvement in the "Stormfront" website gives further insight into
whether Cowart and Schlesselman were "genuine" Skinheads.
"Stormfront" proprietor Don Black had referred to Skinheads as
"scum" and "demented." He had referred his clientele, on occasion, to
"Overthrow.com," which was maintained by Bill White, who had
denounced Skinheads as "wacky" and "mentally-ill." Black, also,
had been a cohort of the late William L. Pierce, who had described
Skinheads as "defectives" and "niggers." Referring to the Skinhead
Website, Black had stated that "anything that comes off
'Skinheadz.com' is 'crap.'" Referring to Skinhead Teddy Brandon,
whose close-cropped hair drew attention during in a
patriotic-demonstration, Black said that "he looked like some
kind of space-alien that was protesting illegal-immigration."

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2008-11-11 19:52:51 UTC
there you go with your masturbatory descriptions of hairless young
men. fucking pederast.
