2008-05-23 23:12:17 UTC
William Minton
Back in the Nineties, an ex-policeman named Loren Christensen set
out on a rogue-mission to eradicate Skinheads. His tactic was to persuade
police rank-and-file, from his vantage-point in Portland, that Skinheads
hated all police and, therefore, were fair-game for police harassment,
intimidation and brutality. Over a decade later, the Christensen-notion
had flopped. Christensen had proclaimed, all along, that Skinheads
were a "problem" and that police should have "zero-tolerance" for them.
Christensen's motives were suspect, from the beginning, however,
when the skewed law-enforcer observed that he had no similar
objection to "liberal-lifestyles" of hippies and Beatniks.
But, in 2008, when Skinheads obtained a court-judgment against Jena,
Louisiana, the final nail was driven in the coffin of Christensen-bias.
Christensen's advice had been heeded by police-chief Paul Smith,
who had tried to prevent guns from being carried in "Jena Justice Day"
ceremonies, in opposition to the "Jena Six", who had assaulted a
white student. Smith, however, was immediately sued and lost, lining
up him and the town to pay large sums in damages. On the other hand,
Scott Franklin, LaSalle Parish Acting-Sheriff, told marchers, whose
ranks included Skinhead Joey Alexander, that he had no objection
to the bearing of arms, except that he recommended that sidearms
be holstered.
When Smith denied marchers access to electricity for their
sound-system, Franklin overruled him and, even, ran a cord from the
courthouse to the speaker's platform. Consequently, Franklin avoided
being sued. So, the Jena-situation pointed out that there are cops,
such as Smith, who will needlessly harass Skinheads. But, there are,
also, cops, such as Franklin, who are sympathetic. Franklin was aware
that Skinheads and deputies share the same experiences, trying to
keep their families safe from the "muggahs," "gangstas" and
"thuggahs" of the "Jena-Six" variety. Both are "law-enforcers,"
except that, while deputies are enforcing local laws, Skinheads are
enforcing the Constitution.
The only difference between "good" Skinheads and "good" cops is the
way each fights. There are "bad" cops, like Smith, who disgrace the
uniform, just as there are "bad" Skinheads, who are not worthy of
being called "Skinheads," at all. For example, I am familiar with
some so-called Skins, who refer to marijuana as the "nigger drug,"
while referring to meth as the "white-man's drug." However, there is
no such thing as a "white-man's drug." Neither is there such a thing
as a drugged-out Skinhead. They may shave their heads, just as Smith
may wear the badge, but they are outcasts to their nation and people.
Both Skinheads and police are changing perceptions about each other.
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Trademark/service of The Nationalist Movement
Not necessarily Skinheadz views
Copyright 2008 Skinheadz
William Minton
Back in the Nineties, an ex-policeman named Loren Christensen set
out on a rogue-mission to eradicate Skinheads. His tactic was to persuade
police rank-and-file, from his vantage-point in Portland, that Skinheads
hated all police and, therefore, were fair-game for police harassment,
intimidation and brutality. Over a decade later, the Christensen-notion
had flopped. Christensen had proclaimed, all along, that Skinheads
were a "problem" and that police should have "zero-tolerance" for them.
Christensen's motives were suspect, from the beginning, however,
when the skewed law-enforcer observed that he had no similar
objection to "liberal-lifestyles" of hippies and Beatniks.
But, in 2008, when Skinheads obtained a court-judgment against Jena,
Louisiana, the final nail was driven in the coffin of Christensen-bias.
Christensen's advice had been heeded by police-chief Paul Smith,
who had tried to prevent guns from being carried in "Jena Justice Day"
ceremonies, in opposition to the "Jena Six", who had assaulted a
white student. Smith, however, was immediately sued and lost, lining
up him and the town to pay large sums in damages. On the other hand,
Scott Franklin, LaSalle Parish Acting-Sheriff, told marchers, whose
ranks included Skinhead Joey Alexander, that he had no objection
to the bearing of arms, except that he recommended that sidearms
be holstered.
When Smith denied marchers access to electricity for their
sound-system, Franklin overruled him and, even, ran a cord from the
courthouse to the speaker's platform. Consequently, Franklin avoided
being sued. So, the Jena-situation pointed out that there are cops,
such as Smith, who will needlessly harass Skinheads. But, there are,
also, cops, such as Franklin, who are sympathetic. Franklin was aware
that Skinheads and deputies share the same experiences, trying to
keep their families safe from the "muggahs," "gangstas" and
"thuggahs" of the "Jena-Six" variety. Both are "law-enforcers,"
except that, while deputies are enforcing local laws, Skinheads are
enforcing the Constitution.
The only difference between "good" Skinheads and "good" cops is the
way each fights. There are "bad" cops, like Smith, who disgrace the
uniform, just as there are "bad" Skinheads, who are not worthy of
being called "Skinheads," at all. For example, I am familiar with
some so-called Skins, who refer to marijuana as the "nigger drug,"
while referring to meth as the "white-man's drug." However, there is
no such thing as a "white-man's drug." Neither is there such a thing
as a drugged-out Skinhead. They may shave their heads, just as Smith
may wear the badge, but they are outcasts to their nation and people.
Both Skinheads and police are changing perceptions about each other.
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Trademark/service of The Nationalist Movement
Not necessarily Skinheadz views
Copyright 2008 Skinheadz